Avalon: A World Culture, Arts, and Lifestyle Magazine CELEBRATING HUMANITY!
AVALON is a unique, quarterly, world-culture and lifestyle magazine for women that honors and appeals to women's intelligence and creativity; explores our myriad interests, in travel, art, theater, fashion, architecture, history, politics, and on; shares our stories and reflects our busy, complicated lives; and feeds our curiosity and our desire to understand one another, to put ourselves in other women's shoes, whether they be Manolo Blahniks or Wellies! With contributors coming from and content covering a broad geographical scope, in every issue, we are reflecting the everyday lives we lead and the extraordinary lives we dream.
This was the magazine's website for several years. The content below is from the site's 2011-2012 pages.
AVALON'S MISSION is to celebrate humanity by sharing written and visual stories about people, communities, and organizations who are bettering the world, who inspire by their example, their philanthropy, their leadership or roles as mentors, by their art or innovative approach to living, or with their cultural significance or history. In keeping with that mission, in every issue we feature at least one nonprofit organization whose efforts improve the lives of others and who inspire by their leadership, mentorship, models for sustainable change, and innovative approach to living, working, teaching, and networking in the global community.
A World Culture, Arts, and Lifestyle Magazine
"Wine is like art; there is no right or wrong. ... It's all about the setting, the friends and food you are sharing it with, and the overall atmosphere and mood.”
Annika Sorenstam
Excerpt from "ANNIKA Wines and Wente Estates: A Vineyard on the Right Course" by Heather Sharfeddin, AVALON Spring 2012
During her years as a professional golfer, Annika had developed a passion for fine wine that she says seemed only natural to want to share with her family, friends, and fans. But Annika isn’t the sort to do anything half way, and wine is no exception. “It was a long-time dream of mine to have my own wine label,” she says, “but I was waiting for the right partner.”
In 2008, Annika was introduced to the CEO of Wente Vineyards, Carolyn Wente, and then met Carolyn’s nephew, Karl, who is a Senior Vice President of the family owned-and-operated vineyard. The three of them really hit it off and have cultivated a deep friendship that is the basis of their winemaking partnership.
The family’s commitment to the land, and appreciation for it as a precious natural resource, keeps them at the forefront of winegrowing practices. Some of their sustainable applications include drip-irrigation in conjunction with on-site weather stations, composting, using natural fertilizers, using natural oils as fungicide spray, and growing natural grasses and broadleaf species to control pests by maintaining an ecological balance.
Parallel to the Wente family’s environmental stewardship of the land, is Annika’s firm belief in giving back. She does so through such philanthropic efforts as her own nonprofit, the Annika Foundation. Started in 2008, the foundation’s mission is twofold: to encourage children to live healthy, active lives through fitness and nutrition; and to provide opportunity for aspiring junior golfers to explore their dreams. Its support of junior athletes lead to the creation in 2009 of the Annika Inspiration Award, now on the roster of awards given by the Women’s Sports Foundation. The annual award recognizes a young female athlete who embodies the idea of sportsmanship, by excelling in her sport and by being a role model––inspiring others through leadership and giving back to community.

Excerpt from “FERGUS: A Wee Bit o' Scotland in Rural Ontario" by Pat Mestern | AVALON Summer 2012
“There’s mauny a day I dream o’ the braes an’ the lochs of my auld land. Then I look to the waters, the trees an’ the stanes; an’ I keen I am hame in Fergus, in Upper Canada.”
Thomas Young, July, 1836
After driving past the sprawl of the twenty-first century and descending the hills beyond the city of Toronto, down into the valley of the Grand River, I feel like Thomas Young. I am “hame” in Fergus, a wee bit o’ Scotland in the heart of Southern Ontario. Founded in 1833 by Adam Fergusson and James Webster, the settlement was originally called “Little Falls.” Whether it was eventually named after Adam Fergusson or after Fergus, the first King of Scotland, is debatable, but the community’s Scottish roots still run deep almost two centuries years after its founding.
As are many early Celtic settlements, Fergus, which now has a population of about twenty thousand, is a river town, set on the banks of the mighty Grand River. In the heart of town, standing on an iron footbridge, one can look upriver at the rushing waters of a narrows as they race over a limestone bed. An anomaly there always catches my eye, flowstone, beneath a fossil-filled wall of limestone and the ruins of an old mill. Once a huge mill complex on the north side of the river, it is a reminder of the industry that made Fergus so viable and visual as a Scottish village so long ago. A recent restoration of the mill buildings reflects the desires of many to keep that heritage alive. Beyond is the High Falls, where the Grand River begins its journey through an ancient gorge that was carved into the bedrock some ten thousand years ago during the retreat of the last ice age, and where fossils and the tracks of ancient deer-like animals can be found in the limestone rock.
Downriver, the steps of Templin Gardens––a public garden named for John C. Templin, who built it in the 1920s as a gift to his wife––lead to the water’s edge, to where the narrows open to the wider Mirror Basin, named so as on a clear day the sky reflects into a perfect round circle with a whirlpool. Further along is a grotto (there are also many secret caves in the cliffs of the gorge.) Beyond it, the river narrows again as its waters tumble through the Needle, two natural limestone abutments that support another bridge, past the old sheep-washing green where the sheep used to be herded for washing before shearing, and on, to the western reaches of the gorge. This is my Fergus, known for the river that runs through it, and for the Scottish heritage that defines it. This is the town that speaks to both my body and my soul.
––Pat Mestern
Ingle Ken’lt
(Hearth Rekindled)
IMAGES: 391_FERGUS11.jpg | 392_FERGUS9.jpg
From the northern white of the winter’s snow–
From the eastern blue of the spring’s new moon–
From the western red of the summer’s sun–
From the southern gold of the autumn’s leaves–
Come coals from the hearth’s flame,
Entrusted to the hands of friends.
Though the fire has died in the ancestral home,
Its spirit remains alive.
When touched to wood in the new laid hearth,
The warmth is rekindled again.
For warmth is friendship,
And friendship is love,
And love is bestowed upon all.
Let the door fore’er be open–
Let the cawther run free.
It is sung far and wide,
That this ever may be.
The home is the hearth.
The hearth is the flame.
The flame is the spirit of love.
Let all know, from whence they came,
They are warmed by this hearth and this flame.
––Pat Mestern, 1984
(When a new dwelling or cabin was built and a fire was ready to be lit on the new hearth, friends would gather, bringing coals from their own hearths to bless the new dwelling. “Ingle Ken’lt” is my salutation that Celtic custom.)
“I think everybody is searching to do good with their life and find a place where they can make a difference...”
Larry Camerlin (From “Volunteer Pilots with Angel Wings” by Nicole Galland, AVALON Holiday 2011 DREAM Issue)
April 15, 2012
Dear Linda,
Words cannot express how thrilled we were when the incredible article about Dance to Unite came out in your Spring 2012 issue.
Since your magazine focuses on world culture and the arts it was particularly poignant that Dance to Unite would make its inaugural debut in your magazine. We believe strongly that by educating our youth and actually having them meet and experience people of different cultures they will develop the respect and appreciation that is needed for our world to move forward in peace. We use the art of dance as a vehicle to achieve this goal since dance is an activity that transcends all barriers and serves as a powerful means for communication.
Your writer was able to get to the heart of who we are and what we are trying to achieve. This article and the “up-scale” quality of your magazine is serving as an impressive launch for us as we are in the midst of building awareness of who we are and what we can do for society.
We are in the midst of planning our first fundraising event. During our initial discussions we had a variety of suggestions. Some were helpful and others seemed to be way off the mark. A casino night didn't seen appropriate for instance. I admit I enjoy playing a variety of casino games at online casinos. I'm sure all of us have played or watched others find online slots USA promos while waiting to board a plane at the airport. It's a entertaining and mindless way to chill, particularly if you are playing the free games. However for a fundraising event, particularly our first, we wanted a more fitting event such as an unforgettable evening of performances, wine reception, passed hors d’oeuvres, silent auction, music and mingling to celebrate dance and diversity in New York City.
Working with a small jewelry retailer, we've commissioned a distinctively elegant choker collar necklace which carries a small, tastefully etched logo representing our cause. These specialized jewelry items are already selling well, and when we turn the fundraising into a full time activity, we have high expectations for success. We are interested in advertising or promoting our choker necklace in your magazine if that is possible. We also plan to include this article in our invitation and feel that it is going to be instrumental in helping us educate people as to who we are in the hopes that they will want to come to our event and learn more. And, because of our association with a magazine of Avalon’s professional quality, we believe that this will help influence people to donate funds to help us expand our program.
Sincerely yours,
Robin Schletter Board President
April 12, 2012
Linda Black
AVALON Magazine 6C
80 Varick Street
New York, NY 10013
Dear Linda:
On behalf of the entire Angel Flight NE organization, I would like to thank you and the entire AVALON Magazine team for supporting our mission of providing free air transportation so children and adults throughout the Northeast can access life-saving medical care.
In particular, the well-written and beautifully-depicted editorial piece, Volunteer Pilots with Angel Wings, which appeared in the Holiday 2011 edition of AVALON Magazine, has assisted our organization to spread the word about our services and the many patients and families we take care of. We are utilizing the article reprint as a corresponding piece in our presentation/marketing kits utilized to encourage support of our mission to potential sponsors and sustainers. The feedback about the piece has been wonderful. As well, the fashion show that you hosted on August 18th at Nectar’s located on Martha’s Vineyard assisted in bringing awareness to not only our overall mission, but also how our Angel Flight NE’s services has supported the residents of Martha’s Vineyard by scheduling more than 8,600 flights and flying 5,400 missions which equates to more than $1.7 million in Angel Flight NE services to patients and their families who live on Martha's Vineyard.
Again, thank you so much for your support. Having a team, like AVALON Magazine, behind us and supporting our mission, certainly goes a long way and enables us to spread the word even further about our mission. We look forward to continuing this wonderful relationship – together, we can change lives one flight at a time.
Warmest regards,
Larry Camerlin Founder & President